Items that Fraser carries on his person (30)

Seeing is Believing

Notebook & pen

"To summarize, Ray believes that the young man was the killer...... "
Seeing is Believing


"Inspector, I want you to relax and follow the loony.. "
Mountie and Soul

Sam Browne and Lanyard

"This is known as the Sam Browne. In particular, this is the lanyard."
.Mountie and Soul

Antibiotic ointment

"Well, still, maybe a little antibiotic ointment will do the trick here"
Mountie on the Bounty

Waterproof matches

"Yeah, they're waterproof. It's standard issue for every Mountie."
Dead Men Don't Throw Rice

Homemade ointment

"It's Lichen and Elk horn in a base of sea cucumber. "

Dead Men Don't Throw Rice

Bouga toad

"And I will need the tetrodotoxin from the gland secretions of a bouga toad.
Call Of The Wild

Red rag

" All right now we just have to wait and hope that, that in this vast unpopulated untravelled wilderness that somebody sees it. "
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